The CDC approved COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine third doses for health care workers. Data from Israel has shown that third doses not only reduce hospitalizations and death from COVID-19, but also help lessen your chances of even getting the virus. You’re encouraged to get the third dose to protect your patients, your colleagues, yourself and your families. Not only will the third dose keep you safe, it will also keep you at work caring for our community
Houston Methodist employees and physicians can now schedule a Pfizer third dose for themselves through the Employee Health Portal. If you received a Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccination, we suggest you wait to receive a third dose until they are approved for such use.
Please consider getting your third dose as soon as possible. Thank you for all you do.
In addition, please see a brief FAQ about boosters below.
Q: Are all Houston Methodist employees eligible for the third dose regardless of age and medical condition?
A: Yes. The FDA/CDC allows for health care workers (and others at risk at work) to receive a booster after six months of completing the primary series of vaccines.
Q: Is a third dose mandatory for employees?
A: Not yet. It likely will be when all the vaccines are approved for third doses.
Q: Are third doses safe?
A: The data that Pfizer-BioNTech presented to the FDA showed the third dose was both safe and effective in counteracting waning immune responses to the vaccine.
Q: When should I get a third dose?
A: Try to get the third dose the day before a day off or a weekend in case you have sore arm, fatigue or low-grade fever in response to the vaccine which tends to be mild and self-limited.
Q: How do I get a third dose?
A: Please go through the employee health portal and schedule a third dose. Please don’t forget to sign the consent while in the portal, and don’t forget to bring your vaccine card in for updating. If you get one outside of Employee Health, please upload your proof of vaccination in the employee portal in MARS.
Q: Can I mix and match vaccines?
A: The CDC committee discussed mixing and matching but did not issue any guidance. If you received Moderna and prefer not to wait, you can get a Pfizer third dose by having your doctor write an off-label prescription, which our vaccine clinic can fulfill. Although the data is limited, according to our scientific committee, mixing vaccines (like having Moderna for your first two shots, then followed up with a Pfizer third dose) is an accepted strategy for other vaccines.
Q: Can I get this third dose at the same time as the flu shot?
A: Yes you can. Here’s guidance from the CDC on this and hear Dr. Fauci talk about this on CNN.
Q: Do 65 and older patients need a doctor’s order for a third dose?
A: No.
Q: Who needs a doctor’s order?
A: Someone not in the groups approved by the FDA (see link above) would need an off-label prescription
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