Please read the message below first sent by HM President and CEO Dr. Marc Boom on January 6, 2023:
At Houston Methodist, we pride ourselves on treating everyone as a person of sacred worth and value. This includes our patients, visitors and colleagues. With our I CARE values in mind and with a strong desire to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone at Houston Methodist, we have revised System_PCPS201 Patient and Guest Disruptive Behavior to protect and support you. This is a formal and official way we can emphasize that we will not tolerate disruptive or abusive patients and guests, as well as other staff and volunteers behaving inappropriately.
The original policy was reviewed by Human Resources, the Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and our legal department. The ultimate goal is to provide employees an avenue to make a formal complaint when they feel harassed or threatened.
Disruptive or abusive patients and guests not only have the potential to affect the quality of care they receive, but the quality of care that others receive as well. If we are to truly provide unparalleled safety, quality and service to every patient, we must ensure staff members feel safe and supported at every turn. The revised policy states: All persons (including staff, patients, volunteers, and guests) on HM properties are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner. Disruptive behavior is prohibited and will be addressed in a manner that protects the safety and dignity of all involved.
The revised policy includes specific definitions of what constitutes intentionally disruptive or abusive behavior as well as the procedure that will be followed once a report is made of a disruptive staff member, patient, volunteer or guest. To ensure patients with legitimate requests are never denied appropriate service, it also takes into account reasonable requests to accommodate a patient’s social, spiritual and cultural values protected under patients’ rights.
Please take a few minutes to read the revised policy. Ask your supervisor if you have any questions about this. While we cannot always control how patients and visitors act, we can always control how we behave. Let’s always remember our I CARE values in every situation and set the example for others to follow.
Marc L. Boom, M.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Ella Fondren and Josie Roberts Presidential Distinguished Centennial Chair
Houston Methodist
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